Update from CP2 RWA on some major issues.
The CP2 RWA will strive to get further clarification for your benefits.
b. The Management Committee of the CP2 RWA met on 23rd April 2011 and has decided to form a Sub Committee called “Central Park 2 Upkeep Committee” which will be headed by Mr. Raman Malhotra, resident of Apartment 2A Tower 5. The Committee will consist of 5 members and anyone who is a resident of CP2 and is interested in improving facilities and maintenance of Central Park 2 is welcome to join the committee. You can email ” upkeep@cp2rwa.org ” if you wish to join the committee. The role of the Committee will be to keep a check on quality of maintenance, to ensure that all facilities are working and best efforts are made to make residents comfortable in their new homes.
The Central Park 2 Residents Welfare Association has made constant endeavors to improve things and benefit all owners of apartments in CP2. While we have achieved some of our objectives, there is still a long way to go.
We thank you for your support and look forward to more.
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