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Supreme Court orders appeal in case CP2RWA case

In an order dated 15 Sept 2014, the Supreme Court has ordered that the CP2RWA can challenge the revised building plans and the order of the Director of Town & Country Planning with the Secretary to Govt of Haryana, Department of Town & Country Planning. The order can be found here.

It maybe noted that the DTCP has approved a revised plan of the Central Park 2 colony in January 2014 wherein the following changes were done:

  • Increase in dwelling units (apartments) from 1445 to 1687 (242 units, 17% increase)
  • Increase in approved population from 8045 to 9395 (1350 persons increased (17% increase)
  • Increase in EWS units from 260 to 310
  • Increase in Domestic Servant unit from 150 to 170
  • Increase in ECS parking units from 3150 to 3302
  • Increase in maximum height of buildings from 60 meters to over 130 meters (2 towers in the central garden are now 32 floors in height)
  • Change in location of two central towers
  • Change in size of community center behind Tower 6 from 2.5 floors to only 2 floors.
  • Many other changes to open areas, ground coverage of buildings etc (for e.g – size of Tower 10 to 19 has reduced.


