
Membership Benefits

Why become a CP2RWA member?  Here are the benefits:

  • By supporting other like-minded residents and investors, you can ensure the overall value of Central Park 2 remains high.
  • You can show you support to common cause of ensuring quality and delivery of all promises made by builder.
  • You can get information regularly about construction status, documents collected through RTI, legal cases etc.
  • You can participate in forum discussions and know your fellow residents and neighbours.
  • You can be part of the larger Central Park 2 community online in facebook & other forums.
  • Ensure you get your apartment in proper shape  while taking over
  • Get suport from other residents / owners who are facing similar issues like you
  • The fee collected in solely used for purposes of bringing residents together and for the benefit of CP2 society.

Also, why not? Most other apartment owners are CP2RWA members.

Who should become a CP2RWA member:

  1. Only those who own apartments in Central Park 2 Gurgaon

What are the membership charges?

  1. Membership fee is either Rs. 2000 for lifetime membership or Rs.  500 for annual membership.

How can the fee be paid? Can it be paid online?

Yes fee can be paid online or in person. Payment instructions are given here –

